Wednesday, December 16, 2009

ICICI UK unit accused of acting against whistle blower - Termed as ICICI Fraud

ICICI Bank UK has been accused of acting against a whistle-blower by an Employment Tribunal in the UK. Siddharth Kapoor, a former proprietary trader in ICICI Bank, had told the bank in January that one of his senior colleagues had changed some of the internal trade records to hide losses. Kapoor had alleged that the rogue trader had accumulated losses in excess of $1 million for the calendar year 2008.

In a letter to the Financial Services Authority (FSA), he said the trader was allowed to trade even after he
had complained to the bank. The allegation was that the head of compliance at ICICI Bank UK neither ‘interviewed’ the concerned trader nor directed him to stop trading.

The bank subsequently fired the trader and decided to shut down the group. It also asked
Kapoor to join the bank’s Mumbai office from where he was originally transferred to the UK. Kapoor, however, said he was asked to come back, as he had complained to FSA. The bank decided to pursue the case rather than go for an out-of-court settlement with Kapoor who is claiming damages from the bank.

When contacted, an ICICI spokesperson
said, “ICICI Bank UK made a business decision to close the entire Proprietary Trading Group (PTG) due to changed market conditions and repatriate this particular employee to his employer ICICI Bank India where he was offered alternative employment. At all times, we acted within the terms of the employees’ contract, consistent with our general approach to other staff. The FSA was kept informed at all times. We insist that there is no connection between the whistle-blowing incident and the decision to close the PTG.”

In its ruling last month the Tribunal said:
“...we then considered if there was a causal link between the closing down of PTG and the repatriation of Siddharth Kapoor to India and the protected disclosures that he had made”. The judge said there is no doubt that the profitability of the PTG had been in question since March, and that there were discussions about the viability of the group for sometime. However, the fact that the head of Treasury as late as April 6 discussed targets with Siddharth Kapoor, and then at the board meeting on the same day, Talwar (the compliance head) communicated to the head of treasury and the CEO that Sidharth Kapoor had complained to FSA, the decision to shut the group was announced, shows that the decision was a direct result of the disclosures that were made, said the judge.

“The decision to shut PTG on April 8 and transfer Kapoor on the same day was clearly detriment to the employee on part of ICICI Bank and more so because he had made protected disclosures internally, and more importantly to FSA,” said the tribunal.

Source: Economic Times e-paper

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